Wednesday, October 24, 2007

High Contrast City Shots

I'm thinking of doing a series of shots of the city, both wide and abstract, of photographs that are high in contrast like these two. Think it's a good idea and worth persuing? You can click on the images to biggify.

Monday, October 22, 2007

just for kicks

Here's the photo that Joshua sent me a few weeks ago...may it inspire.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

the task

I'm not sure where we landed re: who is shooting what, but I think we decided at least the following:

1. each of you will shoot in each of the categories listed
2. ultimately you'll each bring roughly 10 images from each category
3. you can bring pictures that have been previously shot
4. we'll be looking primarily for b&w pictures
5. some color photos could work, particularly if they feature the "MHGS red" in some way
6. most of the pictures used at MHGS will be "landscape" rather than "portrait"

We'll reconvene on November 6th at 10:30 to begin the "evaluation" and selection process.

getting started

Here are the notes from our brainstorming session today.
Basically, we divided our potential photographs into 6 categories:

1. Seattle / the city / our neighborhood / "urban"-ity in general: these could be generic or specific kinds of shots.
2. missional / storytelling key aspects of the MHGS mission, specifically:
- intersection / integration
- text.soul.culture.
- the experience of God
- transformation
3. personal: w/ emphasis on expression, conversatoin and relationship
4. 2501 Elliott Avenue: interior and exterior shots speaking to mystery more than not'
5. global & social engagement / attention to diversity & difference
6. church / religion / God / tradition / seminary / icon: images that speak to our Christian reality.